Tuesday 18 June 2013

Kumpulan Errot - Cara Mengatasi

1.  Warning: include_once
Bila menemukan pesan error berukut ini =  Warning: include_once(/system/koneksi.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/slfutsa1/public_html/index.php on line 2
Solusi :  pada index.php baris ke 2, hapus tanda / (warna merah)
include_once “/system/koneksi.php”;  diganti  include_once “system/koneksi.php”;

2.  jtablesession::Store Failed DB function failed with error number 145
Solusi : Masuk cpanel, phpmyadmin, klik repair database

3. Could not save data. Error: Could not write to the configuration file
Solusi: Masuk file manager,ubah file configurationsnya ke permission 666

4. An Error has occurred! Unable to open configuration.php file to write!
Sulusi: Masuk ke cpanel>>>>file manager>>>configuration.php set ke permission 777

5. Fatal error: Allowed memory>>>pada WP
Soluis: Buka Cpanel>>public_html,cari file httacces,edit dan tambahkan: "php_value memory_limit 128M" tergantung kebutuhan

6. Error. Unable to upload file.
rubah folder di bawah ini  ke permission 777:
-cache --components -images -language -modules -templates

di publick_html
-cache components -image -language -library -media -modules
-plugins -templates -tmp

7. public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 881
Solusi: Ganti templatesnya atau rename templates terbaru

8.Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user
xxxnamadomain8'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in
tmp/cpanel_phpengine.1344137996.147621uSaK7cQOu on line 1617
Access denied for user 'xxxnamadomain'@'localhost' (using password: YES)  "

Ubah password (modify password)